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Cross-X said:
zarx said:
Cross-X said:
Severance said:

what do you guys mean by disk based? the PSP is already disk based UMD is a disk. >_>; it would suck if its like normal disks , its portable which means those disks might break often.

aka meaning don't pull another PSP Go and go all Digital Distribution. Stick with UMD or some other form of disc to avoid piracy or whatever.

flash memory carts is better for handhelds because of lower power usage and and lower latency. And it's pretty clear UMD did nothing to curb piracy. Down with optical media (on handhelds).

I didn't know that. So is that why Nintendo uses Cartridges?

Well as long as it's not DD and there's physical media, then I'm all good. I just don't want it to be DD only.

why do you think most people play from a Memory stick lol, lower load times and better battery life. The only reason UMD was in the PSP was because SONY were trying to push the format, they failed.

I think SONY have seen from the PSP go that people aren't ready for DD only yet I seriously doubt that SONY would screw over the PSP that much unless they go for a strait phone, but that would lead them to be competing directly with the iPhone, android and windows 7. Which to be honest would lead the PSP 2 to crash and burn, they would have trouble enough indirectly competing TBH. Modified memory sticks would be the way to go. 

@TheVoxelman on twitter

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