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As it currently stands, being well-off has put me on a down for starting Uni. People who come from families on low income are entitled to an extra £2k maintenance loan per year. Yet, I am not. Basically, the Government seems to think that people with wealthy families will have the family pay for them, mine won't.

Both of my parents moved out at 18, worked shit jobs, scraped by, didn't ask for any help from state, family, or friends, climbed the ladder, and are now in the highest tax bracket. They don't believe in living off assistance, £2k is roughly what I'd get if I work a part time job for a year whilst at Uni, and so £2k is only entitled to me if I get a job, I can't get it off my parents (hell, I won't even ask), people from lower income families get £2k in their pocket (at a inflation-rate loan) without having to work for it, I don't.

Personally, I agree with my parents' point-of-view... I just find it highly ironic that in the current system, I'm worse off because my family are of a higher income.