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Homer_Simpson said:

fuck me, you clearly do not know anything about politics if you think Boris Johnson is good, even his own party hate him.

It is clear from the posts on this thread that you are the one who is out of touch, and not knowing what's going on. According to recent polls, Johnson is more popular for Mayor in the next election than both of the Labour candidates combined (

What's more, in the general elections of this year, the Conservative party won more votes than Labour in 2005 no matter what way you look at it - (raw votes: Conservatives 2010 - 10,726,614 Labour 2005 - 9,566,618 | percentages: Conservatives 2010 - 36.1    Labour 2005 - 35.3  | turnout: 2010 - 65.1    2005 - 61.2). Of course, Labour still maintained a strong majority in the Commons thanks to the way that borders were drawn for both elections... but the Conservatives have already said that they're going to cut down the number of constituencies in Scotland and Wales before the next election - to save money, and frankly, to make it more fair.

Basically, Labour are going to have to do a LOT of work next election if they are going to win. And after 5 years of the Tories getting this country back on its feet again, what's Ed's platform going to be? Let's roll out the state again! Ha! Thank christ for the incompetence of the left.