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MrT-Tar said:
Kasz216 said:

So... it really is a tax that if you get a degree, you have to make a higher taxrate for the rest of your life regardless fo your job.

That's like.... literally the dumbest policy decision i've heard a major party have in... god knows how long.

I mean... I can't get over how dumb an idea that is.

It's like telling your citizens "Hey you better not try for higher education unless you have a job lined up before you even enroll!  Otherwise your probably going to be working the same shitty supermarket job as everyone else but paying a higher tax rate on it!

I'm pretty sure the graduate tax is in place of top up fees.  So in my ways it will encourage many from lower class backgrounds to go to university.

That's... the exact opposite of what it will do are you kidding me?

If you want to encourage lower class background people to go to college you give them tuition assistance.

All this does is greatly hurt the poor... because it's an actual education tax.

The rich don't have to worry because, they're rich.  People who are pretty sure they'll be high earners or have some cash, no worries cause they have a cushion.

The poor though... well they're fucked if they fail then.

Seriously the UK doesn't have tuition assistance for the poor?

instead of paying like, what 12,000 pounds to study philosphy it's 10 times that over your lifetime?  No thanks.

College rates will plummet.

I mean, imagine what such a tax would do to Philiosphy majors and other "worthless" majors when it comes to making money.  Those fields are going to rapidly plummet.

People aren't stupid.  They'll know how much more it'd cost them in the long run... and the vast majority of people would basically have to stare the fact that they didn't get any use out of their degree in the face, every day for the rest of their lives paying that tax.


You know, not to mention the best and brightest students will just end up leaving England for the USA, Canada, Mainland Europe, Australia.

Hell, get your free education, use your high scoring education to move to a different country and ditch high taxes you're supposed to pay.

Free college.

Or even better... spend 3 years in an english school, transfer that last year out of the country.

More free college.

It's just so silly and impractical.