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The far right Tories/Republicans believe climate change and global warming is absolute crap. It was the right wingers who fought alongside Big Oil and Big Mining to defeat Copenhagen Climate  Summit less than 12 months ago. Tories/Republicans made sure the Big Oil and Big Miners won their crusade over climate change. 

Now climate change is off the table, voters will vote the Tories(2010) and Republicans(2012) back into office. Catholic Church Jesuit Order has won over and tricked  the people again. Rupert Murdoch won his battle over the climate change issue. 

We all know how well the US economy worked out during Hoover's term as US President during the 1930's Great Depression.Sitting on your hands and doing nothing is the Republican/Tories way. The Tories do not believe in spending, they only believe in tax cuts for the rich elites and cutting Budgets. According to the Tories/Republicans all these unemployed people with no work available are lazy people. Welfare queen is a bogey man the Tories/Republicans use for political point scoring. Blame the poor for being poor and blame the sick for being sick.

Labour increased taxes on the wealthy and they tried to stimulate the economy and get people back into work and keep people in work despite the dire economic state of affairs. By taking action to fix the economy they get kicked out for a Big Cuts Tory Man.