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Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:
Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:
Munkeh111 said:

I can't claim to know much about politics, but Ed Miliband just seems unelectable. There is quite a lot about him that says to me that he won't be PM, he just doesn't seem right. I think this will just leave the Tories with a nice large majority in the next election, despite the hatred of the cuts (which I don't think go far enough anyway) because he is not the kind of candidate who is going to take voters from the Tories

he doesnt actually need to take voters from the Tories actually, 35% of the electorate didnt vote at the last election, plus the Lib Dems are on 13% atm in some polls, by getting more people to vote and just taking Lib Dem votes would get him pretty close, floating voters are always a factor to boot, no reason they wouldnt switch to him from Cameron if all they care about is presentation.

From personal experience (anecdotal evidence, I know), Lib Dem supporters despise the Labour Party and everyone in it. They hated Gordon Brown, so they'll probably hate Ed Miliband. We'll have to wait for the first polls to see. And when low-earner wages start to increase, Lib Dem support will slowly begin to rise again, though they will still lose seats in 2015.

most Lib Dem voters I know hate the Tories much more than they dislike Labour...

and low wages rising? I will believe that when I see it, inequality and social mobility in the UK are devastated by Thatcher, Majour, Blair and Browns economic policies which were decidedly Right Wing, not Left at all.

the Lib Dems will do well to get 40 seats at the next election imo

Thatcher had to do what she did, Major just continued what Thatcher did, Blair implemented the national minimum wage, and Brown, though he stupidly got rid of the 10% starting rate, did murder all of the super-rich with 50p tax. I figured he didn't go further left because of his delightful New Labour Chancellor. I wish Darling was Labour leader, for no other reason than that he's adorable and completely harmless.

Higher rates of unemployment, public service cuts, government spending cuts, lower rates of economic productivity, freezing wages,  busting unions, increasing rates of poverty, Falklands War and Poll Tax. Thatcher was a great PM for the UK- not! Poverty becomes fashionable when the Tories get into power. The Tories always cut spending and implement economic austerity measures.  Millions more unemployed and more crime and more poverty. Shame Tories Shame.