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@Girl Gamer Elite

I read announcements of new games for the PS3/360 that have significant budgets on a monthly basis. Game Informer for example has started a new feature in which they have a World exclusive announcement of a new game on their cover every month. The games have pretty much been 360/PS3 games with January's issue featuring Command & Conquer: Tiberium on the cover. I'm willing to make a ban bet that February's issue will have a 360/PS3 game as well.

I go to websites like to see what the job market it like in the videogame industry and notice job postings for people with PS3 and/or Xbox 360 and/or UE3 experience for companies that have no known games in development for those consoles or aren't known UE3 licensed developers.

I read about companies like EA creating EA Casual and Ubisoft focusing on casual games for the Wii (with a few hardcore ones, emphasis on few) and it looks like it's pretty obvious where things are heading. I also read how Ubisoft is making huge profits off of Assassin's Creed and Activision is raving about Call of Duty 4.

So maybe you can understand why I might be a bit skeptical when I come on here and read where some people think the gravy train will soon derail for the PS3/360 because of the big bad Wii. Everytime I ask for proof that it's going to happen I get responses like "prove it's not going to happen" or "it's going to happen next year" (or whenever).  It's fine for people to compare the Wii to another console but they should at least give some evidence to go along with it.  If they're going to compare it to the PS1 or PS2 or whatever they should be prepared to show some major franchise titles or anything that shows that the same thing is happening in terms of third party games on the Wii.