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Wow they have gone crazy, I can't wait for this game to even sell less than DMC4! lawl!


2.7 million games sold to consumers is nothing to sneeze at, yet it isn't enough for Capcom producer Motohide Eshiro. With Ninja Theory's upcoming reboot of the franchise, the Devil May Cry producer is hoping to cross the 5 million mark that other action games have set.

o reach those numbers, the Japanese publisher realised it would need to appeal to a wider audience than DMC's core user base. This is partially the reason Capcom is taking the series in a new direction.

"When we say rebirth, part of our goal is to go back to the roots, dig deeper, and try to expand upon those ideas to make the series accessible to a wider audience," Motohide told Eurogamer. "We want to give the series a fresh, new standard a literal rebirth."

Though the game's redesign is intended to expand the fan base, a vocal segment is opposed to the new look for protagonist Dante. Even franchise creator Hideki Kamiya recently tweeted some reservations to the character's face lift.


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey