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dahuman said:

Just finished reading the thread and you guys are making Viper work way too hard on the fingers lol. 3DS was never meant to push the best, newest, and fastest mobile hardware avaliable while still keeping the actual cutting edge part that is the 3D screen both at the reasonable price mark that they'd want it in and make good profits at the same time. I'm actually happy that they are not going to sell us another PSP or PSPGo(Price vs Hardware wise.) Few things, Pica200 is on a fixed pipeline, it doesn't have programmable pipelines, it has advanced features in the pipelines though, which is more than enough to make very good looking games that something like the Nv2 in the original Xbox would never be able to achieve at the sametime on screen no matter how hard it worked, overclocked, or burn into ashes while trying to. It will also be able to push effects that the Wii can't do efficiently of course since the Wii is also on a fixed pipeline design that's way older, the future is looking pretty good imo, the only real problem I have is that it doesn't have a second slider on the right side, but I guess we can use the touch screen for that.

one of the reason I rarely post, trying to explain tech specs is frequently like talking to a brick wall. Trying to explain at ign why halo 2600 was really impressive for the hardware despite its appearance was a testamony to the difficulty.  Anway Your right though about the pica, but devs seem to be using pretty effectively already. As far as how it compares with say the ipod or iphone's powerVR sgx depends on how robust maestro is, geometry seems similar if not better in some pica 200 models, but hardware effects will really be the deciding factor and comparing the gpu (though the dedicated vram will help the 3ds quite a bit), the iOS stuff probably have an advantage the cpu given they have a faster armv7, but it could be mitagated if the arm core is optimized for gaming,  comparison with the zune is more or less similar. plus as mentioned earlier it probably won't be running a fairly bulky OS in the background

anyway the design is clearly designed to be power concious, as I think nintendo put priority on making it look great on a small screen instead of sacrificing their always sucessful model to make the games look good on a giant screen

also as far as sony being able to easily top it with the psp2, maybe, maybe not, heat dissapation and power consumption will get pretty high pretty quickly if they try to blow out the 3ds in terms of power, plus they might have to abandon back compatibility if they wish to use arm architecture (the psp used MIPS archeticure, similar to but more advanced than the 64)

anyway if these are the true final components, (though earlier patents pertaining to the 3ds imply dual gpu's and dual v ram) we still don;t know all of the exact details about the models, as mentioned earlier the pica200 is a line of processor as s the  the arm11,  anyway the 3ds will deliver great games that look great on the go, and isn't that all we really want out of a handheld


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!