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Ok this thread has basically boiled down to the following:  Some people believe that the Wii is this generation's "PS2" and that will carry over into the games as well (it'll get the bulk of the best third party games and support) while others (like me) do not believe that is the case.  I'm going to point out some key differences between this generation and the last one by asking a series of questions and hopefully that'll show people that there are significant differences and that third party support for this generation's dominant console  (I think most of us can agree that it is and will continue to be the Wii) may not follow the same path as it did with previous dominant consoles.

Ok here are the questions:

1) How many multiplatform (no PS2 version) Xbox/Gamecube/PC and Xbox/Gamecube games can you list ? 

2) How many of the games that you listed in question 1 have sold over 2 million copies? 

3) How many multiplatform 360/PS3/PC and 360/PS2 games can you list? 

4) How many of the games that you listed in question 3 have sold over 2 million copies? 

5) The PS2 moved the vast majority of EA Sports games, do you feel the Wii will do the same thing this generation?

6) 8 of the top 10 best selling games on the PS2 were third party, do you feel the same thing will happen with the Wii?

7) Of the 57 3 million+ sellers on PS2 50 were third party games and 7 were first party games, do you feel that the Wii will offer a similar breakdown?

8) How many third party games do you think will be in the top 5 best selling Wii games of 2008?

9) How many major multiplatform console games didn't appear on the PS2?

10) How many major multiplatform console games can you think of that haven't appeared on the Wii (to date)?

Now after answering those 10 questions you should hopefully at least see my point of view that there are significant differences between this generation and last generation when it comes to third party software and that it could lead to significant differences in the outcome of third party support (at least when it comes to hardcore games) for this generation as well.

Oh and Girl Gamer Elite, the great mast.. err "debater", nobody will blame you if you run away from this thread with the anime cat tail between your legs.  You can't win them all :(