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Khuutra said:

Inconsistent with Super and Fusion? I am embarrassed to admit it but I don't know what you mean; I suppose I need to brush up on my Metroid lore.

Well the most obvious ones are with Metroid Fusion since I did a playthrough recently enough. Samus' extensive monologues in Fusion make her seem totally unaware of any sort of corrupt activities the Federation could be doing involving Metroids, even though almost the exact same thing happens in both Other M and Fusion. Then there's Nightmare, which was secretly developed on BSL and corrupted by the X parasites (and seemed to have taken the gravity ability from Samus' suit fitting in with the themes of the bosses), which Samus is completely shocked by, yet there it is on the Bottle Ship in the same form (complete with gravity abilities) which is supposed to happen prior to Fusion. It makes Samus' monologues in Fusion make no sense, unless she got amnesia or something. Then, if Metroids have been cloned by federation scientists and genetically enhanced to resist ice, why in Fusion do they need to use DNA from the baby specifically to save Samus when they could have used DNA from the superior and abundant Metroids. Also, why is the Omega Metroid still vulnerable to ice?

This can be explained if Sakamoto wanted it to be a 'reimagining' of Fusion, which it seems to be, but if so they could have presented it that way from the start instead of saying it fits between Super Metroid and Fusion.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.