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arcelonious said:

At the end of Issue 3, Liara initially thinks that she is talking to the Shadow Broker, which actually turns out to be a sophisticated machine, so it's possible that Harbinger was also talking to something like that.

As for Feron in the field instead of sitting in a chair somewhere, maybe he's more active in his work than people have been led to believe.  Again, I already know that my theory is out there, with the current information leading us to believe that the Yahg was the Shadow Broker.  Maybe we'll see more in the third game, or maybe we won't.

I haven't read Redemption, but as I understand it Liara and Feron recovered Shepard's body, then gave it to Cerberus.  In doing so, Feron betrayed the Shadow Broker and later explained that this was due to the fact that he did not support working with the Collectors.  I'm sure that noticeable effects of long-term torture would have been suspiciously absent, if your theory was accurate.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.