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for me, green = yes, blue = maybe, red = no

Smash bros brawl,
Mario Kart,
Wii Fit,
Disaster Day of crisis,
Tales of Symphonia 2,
Monster Lab,
Dragon quest swords,
No more heroes,
FF CC (young king) WiiWare,
RedSteel 2, (Killzone sucked too, but that hasn't stopped the Killzone 2 hype)
Final fantasy CC:CB,
Samba de amigo,
Animal crossing,
King's story,
Mushroom men,
Wii Music,
Monster hunter 3,
We love golf,
Oboro Muramasa,
Fatal frame 4,
Chocobo's dungeon (hopefully it will come to NA)
A new beginning,
Endless ocean,
Mario Baseball,
Wii MotorSports,
Harvest Moon ,
Kirby Wii,
de Blob,
House of dead 2&3,
Star wars force unleashed,
Civilization revolution,

I already played Okami and Bully on PS2 as well but Bully is already promised extra content and Okami may have extra content.  So if they are budget priced and had enough extras I would buy them again.  I'm unsure about a lot of games, but there isn't a whole lot that I'm positive I don't want. I'm primarily a PC gamers.  So for me a lot of games like Fragile, Ghost Busters, Star Wars, etc. may be purchased on PC instead.