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darklich13 said:
I'm not seeing a lot of games to be released in 2008 for the Wii that look that that good. There is probably only a handfull of games that seam interesting. I'm sure SSBB will be good and the Fit will sell like hotcakes, but I'm not seeing any games like what I see for the 360 and PS3. Fill me in on what you think will be good for the Wii in 2008.

 Carlos has already given the long list, but there are three confirmed AAA titles and one rumored one.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl: This is bigger than every PS3/360 game but GTA IV next year.
Super Mario Kart: Same.
Wii Fit: Difficult to say how big this is. It's already approaching 1 million in Japan, and unless it really tanks in the US/EU is likely to be at least a 2 million seller.


Animal Crossing. Not only is this only rumored, but it's not clear how well a console animal crossing can perform. It's strongest iteration has been on portables thus far, but its console iteration did better than  Killzone 1, Resistance 1, and many other supposed "AAA titles," and its more recent portable incarnation outsold every major game with a sequel next year save GTA. 


The other stuff Carlos mentioned is either AA, or quirky, interesting stuff that fleshes out a system's library. I'd say the PS3/360 have more big titles, but when it comes to "absolutely enormous, sells 6+ million" titles, the Wii may actually have more games next year than either of the other two systems.">">