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It kinda hit me today when I was looking at the GC million sellers list.

 The 2 best selling gamecube games have not had Wii Versions Yet...


I mean look what Mario has done for the Wii. It  singlehandedly is FORCING all Core gamers to get a Wii to play it(unless they are Platformer haters)

MK series has be in the top 2 on every console since the SNES, and I don't think the Wii will be any different(ok... not counting Wii sport and WiiFit)

SSBB- The cube version sold 6.6 million on just 23 million consoles.... Imagine what it can do on a userbase the size of the Wii's.   I personally believe 20mil LTD. is not out of reach (it would be the first non-pokemon, non- bundled game to do so)

I see MK doing 10mil PLUS. It did 6.62 on GC and almost 10 mil on 64 and the Wii userbase will be at least 70 mil(super conservative) when all is said and done.

I also like what I am hearing about new IP's, I just hope the core gamers jump over to buy the Great new IP's because the casuals don't like new IP's to much. (see Zack and Wiki)

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.