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LordTheNightKnight said:
mhsillen said:

I sometimes wonder if nintendo is dumb or blind

Games like NSMBwii sells boatloads yet they ignore that for 2 gens of consoles. 

It does not make sense to me.  Its like saying hmmm sidescrolling mario sells 10's of millions of copies lets not make it and just stick with 3d mario.  I love Galaxy and Galaxy 2 but ninty seems clueless.  or the developers are in charge and tell the president what to do.

I shouldn't complain about metriod considering we had the superb classic Prime.

It's not just Nintendo. Rockstar took the winning GTA formula and totally dumbed it down for the DS, for one.

In Metroid's case its not Nintendo ignoring what works, though. I think that Metroid simply may have a ceiling of appeal that sits at 3 million sales or thereabouts, at least Metroid as we know it. Nintendo's tampering with the formula to try to get more out of it because the core game as we know it is unsatisfying for them.


If anything they should take a leaf from their own treatment of Fire Emblem and just designate Metroid an enthusiast series and stop experimenting with mass appeal. Then we could see some interesting stuff.

A dedicated Metroid team would help (or at least flesh out SPD so they don't need help to work on consoles...)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.