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I found this post on the Metroid Database forums talking about the story of Other M, and I must say that's a bit how I feel about this supposed characterization Samus got in this game:


''[...] What appeared to be a majority of us wanted a more fleshed out story, and had been wanting it for a long time, and he [Sakamoto] said he'd give it to us. Now just about all of the people who said they wanted a story are saying that his sucked.

It isn't even that this Samus conflicts with the one some of us imagined (it doesn't for me, both because of my next point and because I don't like speculating). It's that the one in the game doesn't have any character. 

Her constant monologue, were it gone, would leave her nearly just as fleshed out as she is in the other games. Now she... explains things. She doesn't even really offer an opinion, just explanation, that's not characterization, that's not fleshing out. 


The whole thread in general is very interesting:


Anyways, like someone said, there's no point in complaining about all the little details. Let's just hope we'll get another Metroid game and see if they can please the crowd that liked the western Samus better than ''Sakomoto's real vision'' of Samus.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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