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Khuutra said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

1. 1.5 million sales of Corruption on a biggest 'Nintendo' install base (ever). A lack of enthousiasme there ? - Prime did almost 1.3 million more. 

2. It sold that much because most people thought it played like a real shooter. They were wrong, and regretted the sale. Why do you think the sales of echoes were one and a half million less?  The install base had even grown a bit.

3. Characterization depends on social interaction. Relations. Social gestures with some words attached to it. You don't need Shakespeare, but some talking is part of it. The faceless masterchief  has more character in Halo 3, than the whole Prime series. And he doesn't even have a known face.

4. I do know storytelling, and putting together you own from scattered bits is no real story. It's a barely more then a premise. I say again: Prime (series) is irrelevant to Samus character because it doesn't say anything new about her. It's not non-cannon... it's irrelevant-cannon. Face it. 

1. Corruption was much more cinematic than the first Prim. So was Echoes.

2. You have nothing on which to base this statement.

3. No it doesn't, you are wrong and apparently cannot appreciate characterization in silence. That's fine. You not appreciating it doesn't make it a valid criticism.

4. No, you don't know storytelling. Metroid Other M said a lot more new about Samus because it changed her character so significantly, but the Prime games fleshed out Samus significantly all without her ever talking. We knew all we needed to know.

1.Cinematic? We're talking a lack of consumer enthousiam for the game. The fact that it became more cinematic and still sold less, speaks for that.  

2. Then give me an explantion why salesnumbers halved. Could it be, they didn't make a game the previous Metroid-buyers wanted? Remember, you can't blame the consumer.

3. I can appreciate silence, and pan-scenes very well. But there needs to be a contrast for it to work properly. And even then its interaction of scenes and silence has to tell something. Something relevant to a person or a character. And most silent scenes are between characters, which means you still need some interaction. After all any movie or story is about interaction, how silent it is.

Have you seen L'ours. It's about non-talking bears. The idea about a big male bear caring for a small orphan bear, is more characterization then the whole Prime series combined. It has silence, but also a real story about interaction between characters, even if they're bears.

4. Prime (series) didn't flesh out anything. What you knew, you made up by yourself. The Prime games didn't tell you. That's why other m was never going to work in your mind. It could never fitt with your preconcieved idea. 

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.