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I finished the game earlier today and really enjoyed it overall. I'm going to do a quick review like some other posters.


- Visuals are some of the Wii's best and I enjoyed the differerent environments.

- Combat was very fun overall, some bosses took multiple trys despite using the dodge mechanic.

- I thought the controls were great, really enjoyed deciding when I should go to 1st person mode.

- I enjoyed the more streamlined exploration in this game, all the back tracking in the Prime series was not enjoyable for me.


- Story and Voice Acting. Bit of a mixed bag. The opening and closing scenes were disapointing and too long. The stuff in the middle ranged from standard video game story telling to moderately engaging.


- Hated forced 1st person sections, and having to find the things to scan.

- A little too short.

- Odd pacing in sections (often due to 1st person scanning or cut scenes).

I'd give it a score of an 8.8, very enjoyable but flaws keep it from being in the upper echelon of Nintendo's games.If there happens to be a follow up, I think the flaws could be easily improved and make it a truly great game.

This review is coming from a casual/new fan of the Metroid franchise. I've completed Prime 1 and 3, and played a little Super Metroid on VC. If I were giving an objective review of all the games, Other M would be lowest, but despite its flaws it is actually the game I had the most fun with.