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Urgh, there is so much wrong with this game.   Samus was butchered, portayed nothing like she has been for 20 years and instead as a weak woman (seemingly only because she is a woman), it is REALLY sexist, Retro Studios (Prime games) is american and this was made by a japanese Nintendo studio with a Jap dev team, it really shows and it really is a fucking insult to me as woman.  Anyway, the game is linear, no exploring, easy to find hidden things, simplistic and overly easy gameplay, complete shit for a plot, voice acting to match.

I must agree a bit with this. I believe the big problem is that it was a Japanese developed game. Yes, I seem to have a problem with Japanese games this generation. And it's been bad for me because I used to like everything Nintendo did in the past gens (even the GameCube brought nice things to the video game world), but it's the first time in a long time that I'm starting to wonder "what are they doing to my favorite franchises?" It started with Brawl, then Mario Kart, etc.... I must admit that I'm a bit scared to see how Skyward Sword is going to turn out.

Anyways, I'm not saying Metroid was never Japanese, but with what Retro brought to the table and for the franchise as a whole (after three successful games), it's a bit hard to go to a sudden over simplified type of gameplay and anime style of story. For some strange reason, the Japanese devs like to use concepts and ideas that are just not up to date with the western world. The lame fade-in and fade-out anime cliches in the game, I've noticed them, and a bunch of other things like the "Matrix" slow-mo moves, etc.. That's a bit too much for a somewhat serious story and universe that is the Metroid one.

If they would have shipped this game as a DS or 3DS title, I guess it wouldn't have been so bad. But the problem is that this was a console release and let's just remember how grandiose and enormous in scale the Prime games were...

By the way, for how long was Other M in development? That might clear some of my thoughts a bit.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!