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At one point, I thought I was losing my mind.  This thread began to haunt me.  I couldn't eat.  I couldn't sleep.  All I could think of was leo-j and his undying belief that Uncharted 1 for the PS3 looked better than anything on the Xbox 360.  I debated, I offered photos, I offered video, and I even tried to say it was a matter of taste.  Despite any argument that I had, leo-j would counter with a video or something.  Could it be true?   I began to doubt myself.  I began to doubt my relationships, and my religion.

So, after so much debating, I decided I needed to fire up Uncharted.  As a matter of fact, it's on my PS3 right now.

I played until I got to the "amazing" submarine scene from leo-J's videos.  I didn't find any of the flawless hair or skin textures with razor bumps that some people linked to.  I didn't find any of the amazing explosions that gave off amazing lighting.  I dindn't see any impressive flaslight effects or the incredible flora and fauna that looked so amazing in 2008 (when I played it for the first time).  All I saw was clothing that looked like modeled clay, animations that jarred me with their lack of realistic movement, and environments that featured objects that looked like they were placed randomly with the Little Big Planet level editor.  The game is below average.  Don't take my word for it.  Get your copy of the game, put it in your PS3, and play it yourself, right now!

The game I remembered looked so much better.  I probably would have gone to my grave with found memories of Uncharted's graphical presentation.  What this thread did was make me dig out an old game that time has passed by, look for flaws I probably never would have even thought about looking for, and see the game for what it really was:  a game that was ahead of the curve in 2007 but looks like nothing special at all in 2010.  Like I said, PLAY IT.  Dead Space, RE5, Batman AA, etc. look much better and they're 3rd party games.  I'm going to fire up Gears of War 1.  I may remember that game wrong, too but I think that even that game is going to end up looking better than Uncharted 1!!

I've lost 22 pounds, haven't slept in days, and punched a baby because of the stress this thread has caused me.  All I had to do was play the game.  I will say this:  Uncharted 2 looks stunning.  So does Killzone 2 (even though it doesn't blow everything away like it used to).  Little Big Planet is magnificent.  Any of these games, I can see this argument standing--but even then, I would probably dispute it.  Uncharted 1 doesn't hold up to the scrutiny.  With my own eyes, on my own TV, on my own PS3, I see it.  Now, with counseling, I can finally move on with my life.

-leaves thread, never to return again.