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It has outsold the XBOX yes. But remember that statistically the 2 sold essentially the same amount during the launch year. It also took a few tries for Sony to do so.

1 It had 2 fire sales one for the 20GB which sold for as low as 369 at the end. the other for the 60GB version at 499 and retaielrs were adding in incentives like Circuit Citiy's free controller Deal.
2. A complete change in SKUs with the 80GB coming with a Free game and being introduced at a higher price to have a "price drop" once the 60GB fire sale was out of the way.
3. The key introduction of a 40GB version and in Japan a new color that is 399 just weeks before the holiday sales. this has the effect of the tail end of the price cuts sales spiek being masked by the holiday sales.

the XBOX has had
1. a 50 dollar price cut
2. Halo 3s release.

I do expect sales of the PS3 to drop back down to 10K-20K in Japan and in the US to hover around 170K a month or so. I expect the 360 to sell better in the UK while the PS3 will still seel best in Spain and Italy.

Though the PS3 has sold better than antcipated it still has to show it can do more than sales spikes.