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First my predictions:

A fight to the death (:D) between Wii and Xbox360 during 2008. I think both will end up somewhere in the same amount of hardware sold LTD at the end of 2008 with a slight lead for Wii.

I personally thing PS3 will end up playing 3rd in that market.

DS will continue to sell well.

Depends on country but I belive that Wii will sell most with 360 and PS3 fight of. PS3 with a slight lead in main land europe meanwhile 360 will hold UK.

DS and Wii fot the whole thing. I predict a small deciline for the DS. I think a price drop is needed to beat 2006 and 2007.

I think you are right and wrong in you discussion to not include handhelds with consols in the domination fight.

Right: It might be the case in USA and Europe. Even if I personally is a proof that you are wrong, the main reason for me not buying a Wii or a 360 is that I just bought a DS which have tons of good games.

Wrong: Looking at the software charts and the announcments in Japan I personally think you are very wrong. The DS is in Japan the main gaming plattform and thus is limiting the appeal for the Wii, PS3 and Xbox360. Therefore moves smaller japanese developers to handheld development, which means more games for the DS, which in turn means that a gamer doesn't need to buy another plattform, thus competing with the consols because it take away gaming time and money from the consols. Not including Handhelds when looking at Japan is too not looking at the whole picture.

Looking WW I would say Nintendodomination because as a publisher and a hardware manufacture they probarbly sells more than everybody else even the mighty EA. (or activision blizzard).



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