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MrPickles said:
MikeB said:
MrPickles said:
Also, don't forget about the newfound VR functionality in Wii

What do you mean by that?

Not really something new (apart from using the Wii-mote for this) and only scratching the surface of technical possibilies, but watching the video may help people understand my statements from the distant past here at VGChartz:

MikeB wrote:

"there was the an Amiga based arcade games system called "The 1000CS Virtuality System" developed by Virtuality. The players would stand inside a "pod" and wear a helmet (headtracking) and gloves which sensed the players movements and translated them into actions in the virtual world."

"Motion sensing usage in virtual reality 3D games is almost 2 decades old, initially there was mainly headtracking, but soon this was followed up with tennis games where you could hold a tennis racket or boxing games using gloves.

Back in the good old days I could hardly imagine we wouldn't have this yet implemented for mass market products in people's homes today. Sadly consumer technologies advanced a lot slower than I had imagined in the 80s and early 90s."

"In terms of current sales and market hype they do and the Wii-mote is a pretty innovative idea (although I would prefer a virtual reality solution at some point)."

"What I really would like to see however is a proper home virtual reality set with good head and hand tracking. The first virtual reality games released were done by Virtuality based on Amiga 3000 systems. One of the innovative games which predates both Wolfenstein 3D and Doom on the PC was Dactyl Nightmare from 1991. Unlike Wolfenstein 3D the game offered a true multiplayer 3D FPS environment (Deathmatch / Capture the Flag) with multiple height levels and a headset and joystick supporting proper head and hand tracking."

"Some people would just use VR like some are using the Wii-mote, sitting in a lazy chair playing Wii sports. If you would play a racing game that would even be a natural position, IMO being able to move your head quickly to see who's driving next to you from an inside car perspective would be awesome. IMO future Gran Turismo and Motorstorm games support could boost such peripheral usage.

With regard to eye strain, there must be better alternative options. In the end it's just an impression intepreted
based on tje light caught by your eyes.
I imagine a good VR solution would trick your brain into believing there's far more depth to the artificial vision than there really is"

Imagine watching a movie in a virtual cinema (like in PS3's Home) and being able to look at the person sitting next to you discussing the movie. 8-)

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales