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No, not in Americas Pre-Orders alone. In Worldwide pre-orders I think it will because Kinect will probably see at least 30% of its sales in EMEAA and Japan, maybe even 40% of its sales.

I beleive this because games like Black Ops, Halo Reach, and Modern Warfare 2 has Pre-orders of 500k with 10 weeks left and increased 70k per week. Okay those games are getting much closer to 2 million Pre-orders, but still.

I see Kinect selling very well, over a million consoles in each Americas and EMEAA region on week 1 alone. However I don't think it will pick up pre-orders. This is a game primarily for casual gamers, just like how Wii Party will sell over 10 million, but at best get 100k pre-orders. I think the same for Kinect, high sales, but low pre-orders. Not that a total of 1 million worldwide pre-orders isn't much.

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