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Galaki said:
Joelcool7 said:

Now at the moment Nintendo has the upper hand technically yet its sales are dropping year on year and Nintendo is loosing market share. Why is that? Simple the market growth is now occuring in PS3 and somewhat with X-Box.

So, Xbox360 outselling the PS3 somehow does not have have as much market growth as PS3? What kind of math is that?

And for the Wii to not increase the market, it would have to sell zero unit. Again, what math are you using?

Take off your glasses...

If you read what I wrote I was refering to Market share, market share is the amount of the market dominated by a single company. According to VGChartz Nintendo controls 48% of the market. Many months since the launch of the Slim the PS3 has been beating X-Box 360. I was refering to the growth in Sony's market share they managed to increase their market share by tons since two years ago. Market growth by Microsoft and Sony is dropping Nintendo's market share.

Its not math its common sense! If Sony and Microsoft have market share growth then Nintendo is loosing market share. Which it is.


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