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RolStoppable said:

Move will fail because people buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo games.

People buy many different things for many different reasons. I purchased the Wii because of the controller, and reading that my movement with the controller would be precisely done on screen, i was also a muppet and totally believed the Nintendo videos :D. Previously to that have never owned a Nintendo product, and not really that knowledgable about the games they made. You may be suprised that many of the people in this Generation purchased the Wii using the same method, or for Wii Fit or something other than any previous IP.

I purchased a PS3 because i was really disappointed by the Wii controls, and thought the graphics were not too great (was mainly a PC gamer at that point).

I purchased an Xbox because i wanted to play Dead Rising, that wasnt available on the PS3.

I've pre-ordered move so i can play RE5 with Move (really hated the controls but wanted to play the game), and because Socom looks interesting, and the kids will finally be able to play eyepet hopefully in a dark living room.

So i guess what i am saying is that people dont necessarily fit into your very selective/narrow field of view. Everyone is different and people have different reasons for buying a certain product, dont assume as it will make you look silly :).