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at jarrod, i doubt it will be over in a a year or two, there hasnt hardly been any news about the developers working on new consoles.  and another thought, why would they release another console when the current ones have allkinds of great games being released?  generally there is a slowing of game releases during the end of a consoles life (except the ps2).  that doesnt mean they arent working on a new console, but still, there hasnt been much publicity.  im not sure if you remember, but i remember they first announced work on the ps3 in 2001.  it was five years later til it was released.  granted they could be trying to surprise gamers for the next generation, but judging from the last generation i see at least 3 more years of purely this generation of consoles.  at least 2-4 years of life in the current generation after the next gen consoles are released

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