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DirtyP2002 said:

Second: Sure there are casual titles for Move. But it seems like Sony tries to market Move as a more hardcore device than a casual one. I think that there are VERY very few hardcore gamers interested in motion controls anyway. So I think Sony is wasting time and money to advertise Move to the hardcore players. I don't remember SONY at E3, TGS or Gamescon showing off move with strictly hardcore games. I remember one showing in the early days with Resident Evil 5, that's pretty much it. Everything else has been strictly casual. Even when they're showing montages the bulk of Move montages consist mainly of colorful games and clips of families enjoying the move. if you're using forum hype to judge casual interest, you're getting the wrong info. 

The marketing for Move wasn't / isn't big (yet) in the first place. Neither can I see people picking up Move for Killzone 3 / Socom nor can I see people picking up Killzone 3 or Socom for Move. Don't know about Killzone but a lot of SOCOM players are pretty interested in the Move JUST BECAUSE of SOCOM. And I still find it funny that you continue to talk about SONY advertising it as a hardcore device yet you only have two hardcore game examples compared to the lists of casual software people are posting. It's as if you want SONY to not offer any core options at all.

Casual titles in general need more advertising than hardcore titles. This is what Ubisoft said and I would agree. So the limited marketing for PS Move needs to be used very efficient. We all know MS will drop one of the biggest marketing campaigns this industry has ever seen to promote Kinect. It already started 12 weeks before its release. Sony needs to show us the social aspect of the PS Move. To advertise Move-features for hardcore games won't do the trick. They haven't been advertising hardcore titles much at all... every ounce of promotion I've seen has been primarily casual focused. Are you talking about forums? PR? Who reads into PR? Casuals don't... so of course in PR they're gonna say the stuff that people who actually look this stuff up are gonna want to hear.

Note: I NEVER said the PS Move is a bad product. It certainly isn't. If you are looking forward to it, go and preorder it today. All I am saying is that PS Move might not sell that well overall, because of the points I mentioned before. No... that's not what you said... what you said was "fail".