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Haha so this is why Scott Pilgrim vs the World didn't hit Wii Ware despite that game being nothing but a 2D brawler

See he feels the Wii is just a Gamecube, which if we are to believe the fan warz of last gen Gamecube was the weakest console out of the three cause it had all the kiddy games, so yeah... it couldn't even do 2D graphics... yeah so Wii... can't even make 2D graphics... lol

Really though this is what I always tell people, look up the people making these comments, 90% of the time they might be a dev but it will be a dev for someone else, in this case the guy is an artist... not really in the know when you're discussing hardware.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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