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Slimebeast said:
Cthulhu said:
Slimebeast said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Slimebeast said:
Mr Khan said:

First off, Move is primarily not intended to combat Kinect at all. Move is a defensive measure against Nintendo. Move does have the advantage of servicing the existing userbase of its console far more than Kinect does, but the reason is its primarily positioned to give PS3 owners no good reason to buy a Wii (which it may or may not succeed at, since Nintendo's shown that their own motion control is often peripheral to creating killer apps), but the kind of games appearing there are to counter that, which is why we're seeing them push it in to more traditional experiences, or see EA create that exact clone experience of PGA Tour on Wii to PGA Tour here.

That's not how I see it at all. The Sixaxis was Sony's attempt to defend against Nintendo. Move is their desperate attempt to combat Kinect.

Why is it 'desperate"? cuz it was downgraded suddenly to make it affordable? nope that was kinect

cuz it have no games? nope it has more games than kinect..and more veriety too, go check the line up

cuz it doesn't work properly? nope all hands on previews have clealrly said it works the best among the motion controllers out in the market so far..way better than kinect as of now at least

Does it not deliver on what it promised? Nope it does everything it said it would do and does them well..I can't really say the same for kinect as of now

So why? Do explain...I do not comprehend this line of thought of terms used by some of you such as 'rushed product' ...'desperate' . If anyone is bringing out such a product then it would be MS

Desperate doesn't necessaily mean a rushed product. I never said that. I know that Move is accurate, has almost no lag and it does it's thing, but the whole project feels so forced and halfhearted. It feels so "me too". I honestly believe that Sony didn't want to get dragged into a motion control war but they felt forced to. Sony themselves don't believe in Move. 

The Move software lineup is large but, and I mean no disrespect here, it's all a bunch of shovelware. I see no enthusiasm among Sony fans over any Move title (except maybe a tiny little bit for that Sorcery game, but we're talking about a game that will move 250K copies, if even that).

I am not writing this out of fanboyism. There's no damage control or hidden agendas.

Shovelware??? Really M8? All of them? No you are not a fanboy. i am with you

It's my honest opinion. Except Sorcery. Sorcery seems to be a quality game but it's also small and insignificant.

To try to increase my credibility a little, I'm a guy who consistently says that Sony will finish this gen ahead of Microsoft and that the PS3 exclusive library is better than Xbox 360 despite me being a big Xbox fanboy.

Fair enough then.