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Legend11 said:

I think it's going to fail in terms of getting any kind of expanded audience to the console, but it should be somewhat successful with core gamers.

An easy way to tell though will be with Move's launch.  If there are not at least an extra 350,000-450,000 PS3 consoles sold in September for Sony then in my opinion it should be deemed a failure.

"Extra" 350,000-450,000 ? in September Worldwide? lol, I wonder if any killer app can do that, much less an add-on. Why don't you go out right now and call it a failure 'cause that's not gonna happen! I even wonder if Gran Turismo 5 can boost PS3 above 100K extra on its debut week, but well that will happen in November so the holiday season will be kicking in as well.... get off your cloud, and Kinect won't shift that much "extra" 360s either, not a chance.