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ArnoldRimmer said:
DirtyP2002 said:

First of all Move is not that big of an innovation. Sony decided to play it safe and copy the Wiimote. Sure it is more precise, but the overall experience is not that different. Check the picture in my sig. Copying the Wii is not a bad thing anyway. It clearly outsold its competitors, so why not do what the cool guy does.

Sony is doing a big mistake with the games for the move. They are making hardcore titles move compatible. Did anyone actually ask for this? When you played Killzone 2, did you say to yourself 'Damn, I would love to play this with a device similar to the Wiimote'?

Killzone 2 players are a very hardcore audience. They play the game with the regular controller anyway.


So saying Move is more a hardcore, so it will have more legs, sell more or whatever is actually not a good thing. Motion Controlls are very social and very casual, a Killzone 3 is not a game that works this way. Core player will prefer the controller (or keyboard / mouse) any day. Sony just failed to deliver the perfect software for the hardware. Nintendo and so far MS did.

First of all, it's kind of funny if the same people who claim that Move is just an advanced "copy of the Wiimote" reject every Kinect=EyeToy comparison. There is a lot of truth to both claims.

If you only compare the Move Controller and the Wii Controller (like in your signature), then yes, except for the glowing ball the device is indeed very similar to a Wiimotion Plus. But the controller is only half of the Move hardware. The other half is a RGB camera and a multi-array microphone - which makes that half very similar to the Kinect hardware.

As many websites have pointed out, PS Move combines the best features from the Wii Remote and Kinect, making it the most versatile of the three systems:

Wiimote plus sensor bar = Acceleration Sensor Buttons infrared light source Infrared Light tracking sensor speaker

Kinect = RGB camera microphones TOF distance sensor

Move = RGB camera microphones Acceleration Sensor Gyrometers, Magnetometer,   Buttons Glowing ball

You're trying to give the impression that Sony is trying to market PS Move as a "hardcore device", but that's simply wrong. There are lots of casual titles as well - the starter pack even comes bundled with one. Thing is: Unlike Kinect, PS Move CAN be used for hardcore games as well. Suggesting that nobody wants to play Killzone or Socom that way is nonsense. Using a gamepad for Shooters has never been a good solution, on the PC, nobody would even use a gamepad in a Shooter. People will love playing Shooters with PS Move.

Edited in bold, you forgot this one...    : )