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ArnoldRimmer said:
Severance said:

you guys are all beating on a dead horse, even if it was explained a million times before DirtyP will still make this little parade again.

I guess you're right. DirtyP probably only wants to badmouth PS Move, he most probably doesn't even own a PS3.

Has he ever said something good about Sony? I remember him giving sony's presentation in E3 a 1/5. I mean was it really that bad? I personally don't own an x-box360, but still acknowledge its impact and success. I hate fps, but I do realise that Halo is a fantastic exclusive and I wish I could buy an 360 just for Fable 2 and 3.

Also, as many have mentioned, there are many casual games for MOVE.

However, I think we all agree that Kinect will be much more successful, because of good advertising or simply by appearing innovative to the public (since most casuals never heard of Eye Toy).