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pizzahut451 said:
Scoobes said:

I said ONLY PRIESTS WITH VERY HIGH BIBLICAL AND RELIGOUS KNOWLEDGE can understand it. Other people cant. And you cant just learn something that exclusive and hard like language of demons just because you have head injury. My aunt had a hard head injury when she was 8 (she's mentaly illl now) how come she cant speak that language????

Head injuries differ from person to person. Some people can speak random languages fluently whilst others become mentally ill.


And who's to say that those people lied???? We have no reason to believe that they lied. I think you just love telling yourself that, because you provided absolutely nothing to prove your point, so you just keep saying ''its not demonic possesion, its maybe this'' or '' maybe those people lied''. And thats why im annoyed at you. Its pretty easy just to sit and deny everything that is given to you as an evidence. So until you prove that they were lying, we're just gonna have to trust them on this one huh? I mean, thats how they do it in a court room.

It's called heresay. It's pretty easy to sit back and believe everything you're told rather than engaging your brain and thinking things through logically. According to the Romans Carthage were a bunch of idiots and barbarians (they were more advanced than Rome before conquered). If we took everything at face value then we'd believe them.


Ok, so the claim of other people doesnt make it so, the claim of people who were possesd themselfes doesnt make it so, the claim of priests doesnt make it so, so let me ask you one question. WHAT EXACTLY MAKES IT SO ???????? I think the people who think the're possesed know a LOT better whats happening to them than anyone else. But agian, the power of denial cant be beaten.

I'm sure people with mental problems know exactly what's happening to them... oh wait, they don't. Your problem is that you attribute "claims" as evidence. It's not. Until we have measurable proof of an entity manipulating the mind of an individual, nothing you present amounts to anything more than heresay and ignorance of biology and psychology.


So lets assume that the person is schizophrenic. The person eats bugs, drinks its own urine, refuses to eat, the icon of christ upsets it and it speaks the language unkown to most humans with the voice that is neither human or animal, and some people claim they saw it flying of the ground. So yeah, its a pretty hardcore schizophrenia. The preson believes its possesed even though its not. So the priest comes and says couple of prayers and perfromes exorcism and by some miracle, that horrible and bizzare schizophrenic behavoiur dissapears just like that because the person believed the demon went away??? Yeah, makes perfect sense.

Schizophrenia is not the only mental problem out there, but yes, it's possible, although probably not with schizophrenia. See the studies below, many of them mention the need to take into account cultural belief when treating problems.


You missed my point. I said today's technology cant explain those things, and it probably never will, because they are supernatural.

And I'm saying today's technology and knowledge probably could have explained those things if it was present back then, but as it wasn't we'll never know. This would also explain why there hasn't been many supernatural events in the Western world recently, as technology and medical science has improved, we now know what a lot of these "possesions" actually are. See studies below.


I never denied she had anorexia. She denied to eat, and to drink holy water. Maybe the demon inside of her didnt allow it ? I mean, why else whouldnt she wanna drink holy water if she knows it can only help her????

I accuse me of conjecture then come out with this completely illogical statement. All the symptoms exhibited are those typically found in someone who's very seriously mentally ill.


And exactly what kind of evidance do you people give? ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!! A big 0. At least i provided something that leads to my poinr. Like i said, its pretty easy just to sit and deny everything. So come on, give me some of your own evidance that support your point. I would be more than happy to deny them all, like you are doing. :)

The evidence we give is knowledge based off years of medical research. Compared to your heresay, I know which one I (and anyone with a shred of logic) would select as evidence. See studies below for more.


As far as i am concerd, i won this argument, i provided much more stuff that supports my point, than you did. You just kept denying everything, with nothing that disporves my point. You dont have to believe at anything. I cant convince you. I was just trying to prove those possesions were real. Its entirely up to you on what you wanna believe in.

"I won the arguments because I presented more heresay, conjecture and unreliable sources than you..." I really don't think so. If you want actual evidence supporting my point see below.


Look, it's obvious logic isn't your strong point and that you have no concept of what actually constitutes evidence. I never came into this thread to destroy your belief in possesion, simply to show nothing you've said or presented is evidence. That still stands. See above for comments.

I've wasted enough of my time arguing your illogical thought processes. I suggest you read the sources and the papers they reference.

Some actual studies carried out by professionals with references: