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It's my biggest dissappointment this gen. I hoped for so much but got so little. Easily the worst Final Fantasy released for me.

The good:

  • Nice battle system
  • Good world and lore.
  • Some cool cut-scenes.

The bad:

  • Too linear and in an obvious way (no attempts to disguise the linearity at all)
  • Towns? Oh yes, it has them in pretty much the same way God of War has towns. I think the only except is with Sazh and Vanille where you actually get a bit of exploration.
  • Optional side-quests are all fights. 50hrs of story 50 hrs of grinding battles on top is not fun, no matter the battle system.
  • Poor story-telling techniques. I'm not talking about the cut-scenes but the data-log. Having a text book of lore to read on screen off the menu ruins immersion, but is neccessary to get a full understanding of the story. Many games (including Final Fantasys) have used the interactivity of games to help tell the story, instead they made it completely passive.
  • No variety in gameplay. It basically amounted to run, grind, boss repeat with no repreive, no puzzles, little to no interaction and basically nothing in between.

Probably the worst RPG I've played this gen which is a shame as you can see it took a lot of work and effort but had some horrible design decisions.