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oldschoolfool said:
vlad321 said:

If you look at the fact that the Corn Syrup came out at arund the 80s and the obesity rates started going up around the 80s there isn't much else you can argue. The shit they use in just about EVERYTHING is that damned corn syrup, it is highly caloric and since it is less sweet than actual sugar they need to put a lot more of it in there.

The corn itself is a very caloric food and it is one of the highest subsidized, if not the most, crop. It is used in everything , adn well, food pyramid, whatever that cow ate you are eating too.

I think a movie called food inc. breifly talks about this. So your saying the agriculture system is all about profit and mass production,rather than the quaility of the food.

It seems I must watch this movie, I'lll check it out next time i look for movies to watch, thanks.

Also yes, the agriculture and food industries are absolutely disgusting in what they put out. The other problem is that humans have not evolved to have so much food, much less this much food with so many chemicals and other shit in them. Food is sadly a business and anything that lets them cut their costs, they will do, and their customers can go to hell.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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