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Attention Australian voters: if you want the NBN with no net filter. Vote Green in both houses. First preferences to Labor and put the Coalition last.

Vote Greens in the Senate and Green in the House of Reps with first preferences to Labor. Bob Brown is the best man in Australian politics. I agree with every single thing Bob Brown says in regard to the environment. The best political party for the Environment, Health and Education is the Greens. The Greens oppose the wars and will bring back our troops. 

You can not go wrong with the Greens. They are expected to win a seat in the House of Reps: Melbourne with Adam Brandt. Inner Melbourne is the most modern and cosmopolitan city in Australia. 15% Green vote in the Senate will correspond to 9 or 10 seats in total in the new Senate. 

Bob Brown is an honest politician and he does not have any sleazy back room preferences deal with either of the two main political parties.