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I have a big backlog on Wii (four games) which I'm trimming down at about one game every six months...but I'm still likely to buy a fair number of games over the next few months.

Will Buy Four to Eight of the Following for Wii (retail) from the following:

Epic Mickey, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Sonic Colors, Monster Hunter 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns, NBA Jam, Shiren the Wanderer, Flingsmash, Sin & Punishment,Metroid: Other M, Samurai Warriors 3, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Wii Party, Wii Fit Plus.

Will Buy Three to Five of the Following for WiiWare (Download):

Hoopworld, Muscle March, Tomena Sanner, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Super Meat Boy, Jett Rocket, Flowerworks, Cave Story, Gradius Rebirth, Max & The Magic Marker.

Considering buying one of these:

Flip's Twisted World (Wii), Udraw (Wii), Create (Wii), Super Scribblenauts (DS), Age of Empires: Mythologies (DS) but I also have a four DS game backlog.

I'm probably going to end up buying Epic Mickey, Sonic Colors, Monster Hunter 3, NBA Jam, Kirby: Epic Yarn, DKC Returns, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, along with Muscle March, Tomena Sanner, Sonic 4, Super Meat Boy and Cave Story in 2010. Depends on if I get any birthday money...

What do you plan to buy for your systems? For me its looking like a strong Fall lineup. On Wii I've basically done this:

Fall 2006 - Feb 2007: Wii Sports, Zelda, Rayman, Sonic & The Secret Rings

Fall 2007 - Feb 2008: Galaxy 1, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Nights, Geometry Wars: Galaxies, Zack & Wiki

Fall 2008 - Feb 2009: Muramasa, De Blob, Wario Land, MLB Power Pros, World of Goo, My Life as a King, Lost Winds

Fall 2009 - Feb 2010:  Sky Crawlers, NSMB Wii, Nyxquest, Punch Out, Wii Sports Resort, Tiger Woods 10, Dawn of  Discovery, Little King Story

Between Nov 1 - April 1 is when I do most of my playing - get through six + games in that half year but get distracted by MLB in Apr - Oct and tend to get through two to four games during that time. So for me the best "half year" has been Fall 2009, given when I've gotten to games I like although Fall 2007 was no slouch and Fall 2006 / Fall 2008 were good, just not great.

How many games do you plan to buy over the rest of 2010 and how does it compare to previous Aug - Dec periods for you this generation?

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu