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you would think not, but one never knows.

 He was riding with someone from Nintendo one day (after he had left mind you), there is an accident, and they both get out of the car to look, and suddenly the two of them and their car are squashed by two other cars on either end... tell me that doesn't just sound "wow"


-- From wikipedia--

 On October 4, 1997, Yokoi was involved in a car accident. He was riding in a car driven by Etsuo Kiso, a businessman from Nintendo. After a minor car accident involving a truck, Kiso and Yokoi pulled over to examine the damage of the two automobiles. While examining, two cars rammed into the broken down car from either side, crushing Yokoi. Yokoi was taken to a hospital and died two hours later. Kiso suffered two badly broken bones and severe whiplash.