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I personally am one who believes games should stay exclusive because that differentiates the consoles. All the "more people that the better" nonsense is just stupid to me. Why don't you just wish for a one console market, so all the games come to it and "the more people the better"?

You know what...more people can play the game. It *was* called "buy a 360 or build a PC" since that was the initial market. We are all capable of doing that right? This game was out a year ago. If you saved $3/day, you could have a 360 in a little over 3 months, so don't even say "blah blah blah we all can't just afford something like that blah blah blah bills to pay yadda yadda yadda". If you think rationally for a second, then the "more the better" logic and saying you can't buy a 360 (but you have a PS3?) is just silly