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I'm just posting top 20 here:

20. Qui gon Jinn

19. Mara Jade

18. Quinlas Vos

17. Jacen Solo

16. Darth Maul -- WTF he has like 2 lines!

15. Jabba The Hut

14. C3P0

13. Emperor Palpatine 

12. Darth Revan

11. Lando Calrissian

10. Grand Admiral Thrawn

9. Chewbacca

8. Boba Fett

7. Princess Leia

6. R2-D2 

5. Yoda

4. Luke SKywalker

3. Obi-Wan-Kenobi

2. Han Solo

1. muwhahaha not telling but its not hard to guess!

Rest of the list:


IMO the list is ok

I will post my top 10 later

What are YOUR top 10?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey