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Rath said:
richardhutnik said:
sapphi_snake said:

What do you mean "you religious people"?  I am not sure religious people are going to be happy with the state labeling everything "Civil unions".  I proposed the civil union solution as a way to deal with the issue of homosexual marriage without having to change the values of society to redefine what it considers to be marriage, before the issue can be resolved.

Yeah, cause it's very hard to say that marriage is between two people (of either gender) rather than between a man and a woman. SOOOO HAAARD.

Why not just say a marriage is between any number of entities who are legally able to sign contracts?  Why deny polyamorious individuals the right to have more than one spouse?  Do you want to rob them of their happiness?  Care to show how the current safeguards to protect people in marital relationships now will work, such as the dividing up of property when one individual in a marriage to more than one person would work?  How about custody of the children?

Those problems sure are solvable though. It just requires a bit of thinking with how to get it all to work.

I'm fine with polygamous marriage as long as it's entirely consesual, one man multiple wifes or vice-versa.

Not really... for example what if a man (let's call him X)  is married to two women (let's call them A and B), and one of those women (let's say B)  wants to get another husbad (let' call him Y)? How do you propose to solve that issue? What would be the relationship between X and Y? What would be the relationship between A and Y? Would all the parties involved have to give consent for B and Y's marriage?If X decides to divorce would he have to pay alimony to A, B and Y?

The thing about polygamy is that it does work, but in sexist societies, where there is an inequality between genders. For example currently in the world we have polygamy in Islamic countries, but we know that women are discriminated against over there. In Western Society which aims at realising equality for everyone, polygamy would be impossible to implement, but also maintain the fairness and equality we so strive for. In the end it would all come down to group marriages which would be a legal nightmare.

I see nothing wrong or immoral about polygamy with the exception that it can be a very sexist practice.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
