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Meh, they are all just opinions of a few people. Donkey Kong Country 3 at number 70... Come on... Who cares if you can't play as Donkey Kong, or Diddy Kong. You can't play as Donkey Kong in Donkey Kong Country 2, and the game scored just below Donkey Kong Country. What sense is that? If the characters mattered that much, than Donkey Kong Country 2 should have been exactly in the middle of Donkey Kong Country 3, and Donkey Kong Country, since half the "good" characters were not present in Donkey Kong Country 2, as opposed to all the "good" characters not being present in Donkey Kong Country 3. Besides, Dixie and Kiddy are awesome! Much better than Tiny, Chunky, and Lanky in Donkey Kong 64. Mind you, that game kicked ass too... Donkey Kong Country 3 at number 70... Ha, ha, ha...