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Have I ever? Yes. In fact, a majority of the times I've done it have been unprotected. But they've all been with one person- someone I knew for years before we did anything at all. And the first time we did it, we were both virgins. And like zexen said, it feels SO much better without it! It's one of the things I look forward on my return trips to NY. (And I just got back from there a few days ago... :) )

But I'm not going to just go at it with any random person. There've been a couple of other people whom I've had sex with, and that was protected. It really comes down to an issue of trust; if I've not known you for a while, AND had both of us tested, then the protection will remain. If we're both clean, then I'm more willing.

Oh, and ctk495, I guess the answer to if it hurts depends on a few things. If you're entering a... well-used woman, then it won't really hurt. She'll be loosened up and you'll just feel the sensations. If she's a virgin, she'll be tighter, and it'll come down to your sensitivity to if it hurts or not. If you're looking at anal penetration, since the anus is tighter with the sphincters, it's more likely to hurt. But if you're more on the... receiving end of that, then yes, it will hurt. And that I can say with experience.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...