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First and foremost, the comparison presented by Level Up was between the GPUs of the original Xbox and Wii.  There was no discussion between the CPUs and the systems as a whole.  And the main feature discussed was the use of programmable versus fixed function shaders.  While the Wii does not have a graphics chip that is as flexible as the Xbox, it appears that after you factor in all of the things that contribute to system performance the Wii has enough going for it to be somewhat more powerful than the original Xbox.

And if ignorance if bliss, you must be in a state of nirvana winbane.  Clock for clock, the PowerPC architecture is faster than the Pentium 3.  And Gecko did an admirable job versus the higher clocked Celeron last generation.  (It didn't hurt that Gecko has twice the on board cache and was fine tuned for gaming versus the off the shelf Celeron for the Xbox.)  Assuming all IBM did was a die shrink and upped the clock 1 1/2 times, Hollywood would be much faster than that tired, old Celeron in the Xbox.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer