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Badassbab said:
sapphi_snake said:
Badassbab said:

I know this is a bit irrelavent but I'm from a Muslim upbringing, I even attended a madrassa (in the UK) and renouncing Islam was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I basically quit it because it was in conflict with my true beliefs of human rights for all and justice. Islam was totally incompatible with it on so many levels. Of course once I had quit, I felt so liberated and then I saw religion through a totally different prism as an agnostic. I now saw it as just a collection of ancient traditions and stories from the primitive ancient world. I will never ever go back to religion ever again and in fact I hate Islam (and all religions but in particular Islam) quite a lot now.

Question: Did your family try to kill you

My siblings know but I haven't really properly told my parents as I know it will hurt them a lot. I don't really care what my dad thinks but my mum is a bit religious and she would be upset if I was blatent about it though it's kinda obvious. It's frustrating though as I really want to tell her I'm not going to fast during Ramadan nor ever set foot inside a mosque again (to pray anyway). Even if I did tell they would never try and kill me lol. I'm from the UK not Saudi Arabia.

Hasn't there been honor-killings in the UK?

I believe there were some even here in the U.S.