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Coca-Cola said:

Christians believe that the Bible is the WORD of God - flawless.  But when it comes to pre-marital sex, contraception, homosexuality and other views on life is interpretations of the WORD of God.  And the way we interpret the Bible is just OPINIONS.  Opionions are flawed though the WORD of God isn't. 

So, we have many different theologies (opions) but one WORD of God.  Not all Chrisitian theologies condemn pre-marital sex, homosexuality, contracptions and such.  E.g., I'm a Christian, I belive in God's WORD and that it's infallible, I believe Jesus is God and my LORD, but I don't condemn pre-marital sex (unless people use and abuse others, and the fact that it may take away the desire to be married to some), homosexuality (homosexual acts in the Bible is totally different than how we view homosexuals today - I don't believe Sodom and Ghomorah is about homosexuality so we should not use that story against homosexuals). 

I've studied some theologies (opions) and i agree with some and disagree with some.  But no matter where we Christians agree and disagree, God is God!

The word in the Bible texts which is understood as "premaritial sex" and sometimes written as "fornications" is pornea.  The core of this word is prostitution.  Anything discussed comes out to it, and will be said to be "premarital sex".  I think one does clearly see what the Biblical pattern is supposed to be, and ideally should be.  It is meant to be one man and one woman, until death do they part, and there shouldn't be divorce.  The purpose that sex serves is to have children.  The marital relationship, between a man and a woman is supposed to show what real love is like, and model it for the world.

The question is how far can one deviate from this pattern and it still be ok.  How much in the pre-marriage state is one allowed to do, and is appropriate.  What I do know is that in the very lax standards we have today, even in cases where birth control is used and is acceptable, there is an epidemic of STDs about.  Large percentages of segments of society have STDs.  It is a mess.  The media pushes sex to sell and generate interest, among portions of the population that are stupid.  And the nature of what real love is, is lost.  Children  don't grow up in homes that properly train them either, and there is real love that is missing.