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I must agree with Khuutra too, I get his points. I'd add that Star Trek and the Japanese aren't by any means devoid of coherence, but they focus on coherence on things different from tech and science, mainly politics and sociology instead, where coherence doesn't deny evolution of their worlds, obviously. Star Trek is all about relations amongst different civilizations, while the Japanese often transfer some aspects of their culture and society into their fictional environments and sense of honour is of the essence, although it doesn't follow the same rules we are used to in the West, we are used to associate honour to Roman, German, Celtic, etc warriors before Christ and after him to medieval knights, XVIII century aristocrats, XIX century officers and their strict code of honour and finally, in our age, esprit de corps, while the Japanese immediately link honour concept to their own society, with samurai, the old feudal society and the fact that it ended much later and in a quite forced and sudden way, so that a lot of its values were transferred anyway, although adapted and modified, but still recognizable, into their modern society.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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