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mortono said:
Killiana1a said:

Looks like Nintendo needs to remake another SNES or N64 classic...Oh wait, they are already doing that with Goldeneye and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

Seriously, Nintendo needs the new IP from Miyamoto within a year because I do not see the Wii magically going back to it's 2006 and 2007 numbers solely due to Kirby, Zelda Skyward Sword, DKCR, Goldeneye, and Other M.

You can only rehash the same stuff for so long and put another word on it's title before gamers start to question, why is your company hailed as the most innovative almost every year when all your big, exclusive releases are just the same old franchises in 3D with newer graphics?

Nintendo can afford to be complacent with the Wii for a year or more, especially with the Nintendo 3DS coming out in Spring 2011. After that, they should end the 7th generation by announcing a Wii successor in next year's or 2012's E3 for a holiday release in the Americas market.

The quicker Nintendo ends the 7th generation, the more they impact their biggest competitor, Sony, who wants the 7th generation to go on until 2014 to continue profiting off of what was a monetary black hole from 2006 until the price cuts.

They will easily beat 2006-2007 sales as that was the year they had massive supply issues. 2008 would be a better comparison.

I think they have a good line-up for this holiday. After the massive sales of New Super Mario Bros last year, it's a no-brainer to have these games. That said, I don't think anything they've got has a real chance at pushing hardware sales.

For this, they will need a new IP, and it will have to be a phenomenal new IP. It has to emulate what Pokemon did for the Gameboy, or what Guitar Hero did for the PS2. Wii Relax might have a chance at doing this.

Wii Party is sort of a new IP, being somewhat of the bastard child of Mario Party and Wii Play. Epic Mickey is certainly a new IP, and one that has potential to be successful if marketed properly. DKC, although not technically a new IP, might as well be one, as the last DKC game is over a decade old. There is certainly going to be a pent up demand for that game, similar to NSMB Wii, not only because it's a hugely popular series, but also because it's been so long since the previous game was released. Same story with Goldeneye. As for Kirby, it's so different from other Kirby games, it is almost like a new IP.

I guarentee these holiday games will move far more consoles than Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment, No More Heroes 2, Monster Hunter Tri, and Red Steel 2, ALL of which are direct sequels to core franchises and not console movers. I think for the first part of this year, Nintendo moved too much into hardcore type games in a desperate attempt to appease the growing number of angry core gamers. But the flipside of that is by appeasing the niche of hardcore gamers, they limit their sales from the expanded audience.

What I like about these holiday games is they seem to have a nice balance of core and expanded audience games. They are more "bridge" type games similar to Mario Kart. New IP has little to do with success, it's simply about making games that are fun and appeal to as many people as possible.